Are you sad because the 90s seem so far away?

44 returns with the all-new EP Escape From Moon Jail

Featuring all new music videos for the singles "The Shirt" and "Uncle Funky"

Watch the videos above. Buy from Amazon, Apple Music, or any other online music retailer. Listen EVERYWHERE.

Escape from Moon Jail


EP (2019)

Escape from Moon Jail (EP, 2019)

Pat Gibbons, Dan Hylton, and Brian Wells  in a 1990s Minneapolis-based Alternative Rock/Pop Band.    

A little time travel and they are Back to Rock the Planet with a new EP of unreleased material including studio and live recordings and two all-new music videos.

Are you sad because the 90s seem so far away?  

Don't fret darlings.  

We are bringing them back. 


Read more about the process that led to the release of Escape From Moon Jail, in the liner notes.

Free Land Wall (album, 1999)

In the 1990s, Pat Gibbons and Dan Hylton of Sender's Dream were performing and recording as 44. In 1999, they released the sole full-length album, Free Land Wall.

“This recording speaks its own language through a dictionary of contemporary romance…missionaries reaching around for the first time to touch to the moon of whit.”  

(Splendid E-Zine) 

“…like reading magnetic poetry arranged on a refrigerator after a wild drunken party – without the really kinky stuff that you have to hide in the morning from the kids. Creative and refreshing.”
